Contact Visstun (702) 938-3883

Application Testing Policy

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Visstun® manufactures cups and other containers/packaging for use in a diverse number of food service and packaging applications. While Visstun regularly tests the materials, inks, coatings, and other components used to produce our containers, Visstun® does NOT perform specific Application testing using a Customer's products or items a Customer intends to store or package in the Containers. By placing an order, Customers acknowledge that Visstun® does not perform such Application testing. Customers have the full responsibility for testing our Containers using their products and materials to ensure the Containers are suitable for their Application prior to placing an order. Customers must be aware that substances placed in a Container can affect its functionality potentially making the Containers unfit for a Customer's Application.

Visstun® will provide a reasonable quantity of sample Containers for use in determining the suitability of the Container for the Customer's Application. Should a Customer request a large quantity of Container samples for testing, Containers will be supplied at Visstun's current price for the quantity requested. As a minimum, Visstun suggests the following basic testing procedure be followed prior to placing a Container order:

  1. Fill the Containers with EACH substance intended for the Application.
  2. Test each of the Filled Containers under the conditions in which the Customer expects the product to be packaged, stored, and ultimately consumed.
  3. Determine if the Containers' integrity or usability is compromised using Customer's substance(s).
  4. If 100% of the Filled Containers do not maintain integrity after the Container testing or do not meet Customer's requirements in any way or do not meet the requirements of the Application, Visstun® recommends that the Customer NOT order or use the Containers.
Visstun wants to make sure everyone is successful using our unique mix of cups, containers, and lids. Testing to make sure our products will work with your products is a key step to ensure success and avoid problems.

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