Contact Visstun (702) 938-3883

General Information

Standard Production Time: Our standard lead time is one to four weeks depending on volume, when the order is placed, and the product being ordered. Each cup has a regular production schedule and all orders must be placed by the scheduled CUTOFF day. Quantities up to 50,000 pieces are available in the standard production run. Lead-time for larger orders are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. See Lead Times page for more information.

Pricing: All prices include a 4-Color print, but exclude a set-up fee. Visstun® prides itself on offering consistently competitive pricing but all prices are subject to change without notice. To ensure you have the best possible price, contact your Sales Counselor for an accurate quote.

Terms: Standard credit terms are Net 30 upon approved credit. A signed credit application is required. Terms for credit card payments are Net 10. Late payments will incur a 1½% per month late fee. Prepayment of initial order may be required.

Marketing: It is our practice to use overruns for samples and product images in our advertising. If this is not acceptable, please indicate this to us in writing.

Co–Op Programs: Co-op programs are happily considered. Contact your Sales Counselor with details and Visstun® will develop a program for you.