Contact Visstun (702) 938-3883

Sustainable Cups

Setting Goals for Sustainability

In April 2019, Visstun® set a goal to incorporate 30% Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber into the manufacturing of Paper Cups by the end of the year.

As of December 17th, 2019, less than a year later, Visstun® Paper Cups, Containers, and Paper Lids are now made with an industry leading 35% Sustana EnviroLife Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber. This is the highest available recycled content percentage on the market to date.

Why Visstun®?

Here at Visstun® we strive to produce a product that is both stunning and sustainable, and by including PCF in our paper cup manufacturing, we are starting in a good place and continuously working to end up in an even better place.

Sustainability Snapshot:


Paper products are made with 35% Sustana EnviroLife Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber


100% of Visstun® fibers are certified sustainable:


Creating a closed-loop circular economy by returning 99% of paper cup processing waste to be recycled with Sustainability Partner, Sustana.


90% of Visstun® paper cup raw materials come from renewable resources.


Visstun® plastic cups are 100% recyclable, reusable, and dishwasher safe.

Why Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber?

Right now, the United States has a recycling crisis. Consumers are recycling paperboard products more than ever… But there's nowhere for it to go!

By including Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber in Visstun® paper cups during the manufacturing process, we have taken a huge step in making the product environmentally friendly.

Though we always want to encourage customers to recycle their paper cups, if they choose not to, the product is still sustainable and environmentally friendly- regardless of what happens to the cup after use, because it was made with Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber. In addition to being environmentally friendly:

  • No Upcharge - cost neutral for customers
  • No List of Options - This is our new standard not an additional item
  • Appearance and performance like regular paper board
  • Just Green - a great use for recycled fiber

All Visstun® paper receives the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI), or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) chain-of-custody certification guaranteeing that the fiber used was harvested from responsible, well-managed forests.


These organizations are internationally recognized for their forest certification standards.